
Faceted search
Feb 07, 2024

Elevating User Experience: Unleashing the Power of Faceted Search on your Plone website

Ploneconf 2023, 2-6 October in Eibar
Oct 23, 2023

Karel is freshly back from Basque Country in the north of Spain. This was the second time he attended the yearly Plone conference of the open source CMS that we use to build your websites (last year it was in Belgium). And he gave not one, but two talks this year! Our favourite soundbite was when he explained SA loadshedding to the international audience in his lightning talk. In this month’s newsletter we’ll focus on his feedback from the conference.

Scheduling Meetings
Aug 16, 2023

For our August newsletter we looked at online tools that help us get things done.

Plone people: Maureen and Zuki from JET
Jun 20, 2023

Karel spoke to Maureen and Zuki who edit the JET website that we built, maintain and host for them. Grab a coffee and find out what they like (and don't like - if anything!) about their website, built on the open-source software, Plone.

Software is like chocolate cake
Jun 19, 2023

What is open-source software? And proprietary software? And which should you choose? Let's think about it in terms of chocolate cake.

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