
5 Tips for Crafting Compelling Donation Page Copy
Jul 22, 2024

Hey there, fellow do-gooder! If you're involved in a nonprofit organization or a fundraising campaign, you know how crucial it is to have a killer donation page. The right words can make all the difference in inspiring people to open their hearts and wallets for a cause that matters.

Plone Multilingual - How Cool Is That!
May 14, 2024

For our World Plone Day 2024 video, Astrid Beyers and Karel Calitz talked about how Plone excels in multilingual websites when using Plone Multilingual add on.

Plone is SEO-ready from the start
Apr 30, 2024

Plone’s standard setup already includes a lot of SEO-ready bits. Your website page’s title and summary are automatically your page’s title tag and meta description.

Faceted search
Feb 07, 2024

Elevating User Experience: Unleashing the Power of Faceted Search on your Plone website

Ploneconf 2023, 2-6 October in Eibar
Oct 23, 2023

Karel is freshly back from Basque Country in the north of Spain. This was the second time he attended the yearly Plone conference of the open source CMS that we use to build your websites (last year it was in Belgium). And he gave not one, but two talks this year! Our favourite soundbite was when he explained SA loadshedding to the international audience in his lightning talk. In this month’s newsletter we’ll focus on his feedback from the conference.

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