
Single Source of Truth
Dec 02, 2021

Every now and then I come across something that fundamentally changes the way I do things. When Johan told me about the Single Source of Truth (SSOT) a few years ago, it was such a moment. It’s just an elegant way of keeping information. Probably best explained in the form of a story.

Why Juizi Loves Plone
Oct 20, 2021

What comes to mind when you think “website”? Probably WordPress, Wix, Squarespace… Juizi doesn’t work with any of those. We build websites in Plone, and we just love it. We’ve worked with most of the others over the years, but keep coming back to Plone. Like that favourite coffee shop that you return to when others let you down, we just love coming home to Plone.

African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF)
Oct 11, 2021

We often talk about the durability and scalability of the Plone platform when listing the benefits of using this robust content management system. Recently we had the privilege of working on a project with the ETF - European Training Foundation, GIZ and African Union, and Plone yet again proved it's elegance and might.

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